Well-being and older people: a review of the literature.Re: PSA-måling og prostatakreft-overdiagnostisering og overbehandling?Korrekt antikoagulationsbehandling blandt patienter med atrieflimren-underbehandling kontra overbehandling?Underbehandling kontra overbehandling af patienter med atrieflimrenDYNAMIC MOUSE OVER HANDLING FOR TIGHTLY PACKED USER INTERFACE COMPONENTSDust-proof reinforcing sheet material to be applied over handling opening-formed on wall of boxDepresjon i sykehjem. Underdiagnostikk og overbehandlingFamilies prepare to sue law firm over handling of cases against MMR vaccine manufacturers.[Digitocaudication as a prerequisite for a smooth swinging-overhanding-jumping-flying technic of the latter pedagonic chimpansopede ...Overhanding bough of an apple tree in an orchard with the Huon River behind] [picture] : [Huon District, Tasmania] /