Effects of radioactive fallout on soil animal populations in the 30 km zone of the Chernobyl atomic power stationDetermination of 239, 240 Pu in environmental samples from surroundings of the atomic power station Jaslovske BohuniceThe NUREG-1150 probabilistic risk assessment for the Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station ☆The structure of Dreissena polymorpha populations from basins adjacent to the Chernobyl atomic power station.An analysis of the thermal monitoring data collected at the Peach Bottom Atomic Power StationEarthworm populations in soils contaminated by the Chernobyl atomic power station accident, 1986-1988.Drive system for a coolant pump in an atomic power stationHandbook of human reliability analysis with emphasis on nuclear power plant applicationsSearch for neutrino oscillations on a long base-line at the CHOOZ nuclear power stationXenon-133 and caesium-137 releases into the atmosphere from the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant: determination of the source ...