- His peremptory tone irritated everybody.
他那专横的口气激怒了大家。 - He made a peremptory order.
Peremptory ideation: structure and force in motivated ideas.
Beyond Gender: Peremptory Challenges and the Roles of the Jury
Optimal Peremptory Challenges in Trials by Juries: A Bilateral Sequential Process
The Use of Peremptory Challenges in Capital Murder Trials: A Legal and Empirical Analysis
The Use of Peremptory Challenges in Capital Murder Trials: A Legal and Empirical Analysis
Torture: The Struggle over a Peremptory Norm in a Counter-Terrorist Era
The Impact of Peremptory Norms on the Interpretation and Application of United Nations Security Council Resolutions
The pragmatics of peremptory assertion: an ideological analysis of the use of the word 'just' in local politicians' denials of polit...
Optimal Jury Selection: A Game-Theoretic Model for the Exercise of Peremptory Challenges
Race-Based Judgments, Race-Neutral Justifications: Experimental Examination of Peremptory Use and the Batson Challenge Procedure