NESTING EFFORT OF NORTHERN PINTAILS IN ALBERTAWinter Survival of Female Northern Pintails in Sinaloa, MexicoSurvival of Female Northern Pintails Wintering in Southwestern LouisianaBreeding populations of northern pintails have similar mitochondrial D...Nesting Success of Northern Pintails on the Coastal Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta, AlaskaDIET AND NUTRITION OF NORTHERN PINTAILS WINTERING ALONG THE SOUTHERN COAST OF TEXASPopulation Energetics of Northern Pintails Wintering in the Sacramento Valley, CaliforniaDifferentiating Yearling from Adult Northern Pintails by Wing-Feather CharacteristicsRelationships of Population Size and Recruitment of Pintails to Habitat Conditions and HarvestDistribution and Movements of Female Northern Pintails Radiotagged in San Joaquin Valley, California