- These include pinworms, influenza, the common cold, hepatitis A, meningitis and infectious diarrhea.
Pinworms.PinwormsPinwormsPinworms and primates: A case study in coevolutionWhy Museums Matter: A Tale of Pinworms (Oxyuroidea: Heteroxynematidae)...An oral ivermectin regimen that eradicates pinworms (Syphacia spp.) in laboratory rats and mice.Toxicity evaluation of prophylactic treatments for mites and pinworms in mice.Interspecific and Intraspecific Competition among Pinworms in the Hindgut of Periplaneta americanaPhylogenetic relationships of rodent pinworms (genus Syphacia) in Japan inferred from mitochondrial CO1 gene sequences.Clinical manifestations of appendiceal pinworms in children: an institutional experience and a review of the literatureWhy Museums Matter: A Tale of Pinworms (Oxyuroidea: Heteroxynematidae) Among Pikas (Ochotona princeps and O. collaris) in the Americ...Assessment of frequency, transmission, and genitourinary complications of enterobiasis (pinworms)Cyrtosomum readi n. sp. and Cyrtosomum heynemani n. sp. (Oxyuroidea; Atractidae) two new pinworms of iguanids.