PlutocracyPlutocracyPlutocracyPlutocracy and politics in New York City /Plutocracy, Bureaucracy, and the End of Public TrustRegional integration: Choosing plutocracyFrom Plutocracy to Pluralism: Managing the Emerging Technostructure.Meritocracy as Plutocracy: The Marketising of 'Equality' Under NeoliberalismWho governs? Democracy, plutocracy, science and prophecy in policingOpen Acces Archives: from scientific plutocracy to the republic of scienceShareholder Democracy or Shareholder Plutocracy?: Corporate Governance and the Plight of Small ShareholdersThe Rich Don't Always Win: The Forgotten Triumph over Plutocracy that Created the American Middle Class, 1900–1970 - Seven Stories ...王权・威权・金权#:#泰国政治现代化进程#:#Monarchy authority plutocracy#:#the process of political modernization of Thailand