- What is the average temperature in August here?
这里八月份的平均温度是多少? - The water is now half a degree warmer than average.
Human calorimetry. 2. The average temperature of the tissues of the body.Daily average temperature and mortality among the elderly: a meta-analysis and systematic review of epidemiological evidenceCorrections to the Mann et. al. (1998) Proxy Data Base and Northern Hemispheric Average Temperature SeriesGlobal warming and nonlinear growth: how important are changes in average temperature?Estimation of degree-days and ambient temperature bin data from monthly-average temperaturesA study of the average temperature of the tissues, of the exchanges of heat and vasomotor responses in man by means of a bath calori...Determination of endodormancy break in almond flower buds by a correlation model using the average temperature of different day inte...The Influence of Average Snow Depth on Monthly Mean Temperature AnomalyHeat conduction in multi-temperature mixtures of fluids: the role of the average temperatureDegree-days, degree-hours and ambient temperature bin data from monthly-average temperatures (Romania)