Chiral smectic C or H liquid crystal electro-optical device
Self-Assembled Smectic Phases in Rod-Coil Block Copolymers
Smectic layer switching by an electric field in ferroelectric liquid crystal cells
Instabilities under mechanical tension in a smectic cylinder
Antiferroelectric Chiral Smectic Phases Responsible for the Trislable Switching in MHPOBC
First-Order Phase Transitions in Superconductors and Smectic-Liquid Crystals
Abrikosov dislocation lattice in a model of the cholesteric-to-smectic-A transition
"Chevron"Local Layer Structure in Surface-Stabilized Ferroelectric Smectic- C Cells
Spontaneous formation of macroscopic chiral domains in a fluid smectic phase of achiral molecules
Synthesis and structure of smectic clay/poly(methyl methacrylate) and clay/polystyrene nanocomposites via in situ intercalative poly...