Quartan malariaQuartan MalariaQuartan Malaria.Evidence for soluble immune complexes in the pathogenesis of the glomerulonephritis of quartan malariaQuartan malarial nephrotic syndrome. Collaborative clinicopathological study in Nigerian children.Immunological relationship of Plasmodium inui with two other quartan malaria parasites, P. malariae and P. brasilianumQuartan malarial nephrotic syndrome in children.Spleen function in quartan malaria (due to Plasmodium inui): evidence for both protective and suppressive roles in host defense.Tertian and quartan fevers: temporal regulation in malarial infectionQuartan malaria nephritic syndrome in childrenQUARTAN MALARIAL NEPHROTIC SYNDROMEHistological features of the nephrotic syndrome associated with quartan malariaProteinuria in quartan malaria-infected Aotus monkeys.