
  • v.

    问(某人)问题( question的过去式和过去分词 );对(某事物)表示[感到]怀疑;

  • 双语释义

    1. [C]问题 form of expression in speech or writing that requests an answer from sb
    2. [C]议题,难题 topic that is being or needs to be discussed; problem that needs to be solved
    3. [U]质疑 raising of doubt
    1. vt. & vi. 盘问; 提问 ask questions
    2. vt. & vi. 对…表示质疑 have or express doubt about



    • n.
      • an instance of questioning

        "there was a question about my training"


      • the subject matter at issue

        "the question of disease merits serious discussion"


      • a sentence of inquiry that asks for a reply

        "he asked a direct question"

        同义词:interrogationinterrogativeinterrogative sentence

      • uncertainty about the truth or factuality of existence of something

        "there is no question about the validity of the enterprise"


      • a formal proposal for action made to a deliberative assembly for discussion and vote

        "she called for the question"


      • an informal reference to a marriage proposal

        "he was ready to pop the question"

    • v.
      • challenge the accuracy, probity, or propriety of

        "We must question your judgment in this matter"

        同义词:oppugncall into question

      • pose a series of questions to

        "The suspect was questioned by the police"; "We questioned the survivor about the details of the explosion"


      • pose a question


      • conduct an interview in television, newspaper, and radio reporting


      • place in doubt or express doubtful speculation




    用作名词 (n.)
    • address a question提出问题
    • admit no question不容置疑
    • answer the question回答这个问题
    • ask a question问个问题
    • beg the question用未经证明的假定来辩论
    • bring forth a question提出问题
    • bring out a question提出问题
    • bring up a question提出问题
    • clear up a question澄清疑点
    • come into question被讨论,变得有实际重要性
    • consider the question考虑问题
    • decide the question解决问题
    • direct a question发问
    • discuss a question讨论问题
    • field a question巧妙地回答问题
    • fire the question提出质问
    • have a question有个问题
    • ignore the question不理睬这一问题
    • leave the question untouched把这问题置于一旁
    • make no question of对…不加怀疑
    • move a question提出问题
    • open to question还有讨论的余地
    • pass the question by不注意问题
    • pose a question提出问题
    • put forward a question提出问题
    • raise a question提出问题
    • reply to a question回答一个问题
    • sleep on〔upon〕 a question把问题留到第二天解决
    • sleep over a question把问题留到第二天解决
    • solve a question解决问题
    • take up the question着手处理这一问题
    • treat a question处理问题
    • turn the question off避开这一问题
    • work out a question解决一个问题
    • above question(s)上述问题
    • basic question根本问题
    • civil question有礼貌的问题
    • complicated question疑难问题,复杂的问题
    • difficult question难题
    • direct question直截疑问句
    • disputed question有争论的问题
    • easy question容易的问题
    • economic question经济问题
    • explosive question爆炸性事件
    • few questions几个问题
    • the following question(s)下边的问题
    • further question进一步的问题
    • interesting question有趣的问题
    • leading question暗示性或诱导性的问题
    • loaded question含沙射影的问题
    • major question重大问题
    • new question新问题
    • open question未解决的问题
    • personal question个人问题
    • polite question有礼貌的问题
    • political question政治问题
    • serious question严重的问题
    • sharp question尖锐的问题
    • silly question愚蠢的问题
    • similar question相似的问题
    • special question特殊疑问句,特殊的问题
    • sticky question麻烦的问题
    • straight question直截了当的问题,明确的问题
    • technical question技术性的问题
    • the first question第一个问题
    • the last question最后的问题
    • the same question相同的问题,同样的问题
    • thousand questions许许多多的问题,无数问题
    • unsettled question未解决的问题
    • vexed question争论不休的问题,议论纷纷
    • vital question生死攸关的问题
    • essay question问答题
    • examination question考试题
    • test question测验题
    • question to vote提请表决的议题
    • at question可以争论的
    • beside the question离题
    • beyond (all) question毫无疑问,当然
    • on this question关于这个问题
    • out of question毫无疑问
    • out of the question不可能,办不到
    • past all question毫无疑问
    • to the question针对这问题
    • without question毫无疑问
    • question about the matter有关这事的问题
    • question of importance重要的问题
    • question of time时间问题
    • question on a picture图片问题
    • question on the exam考题
    用作动词 (v.)
    • question a person审问某人
    • question the accuracy怀疑正确性
    • question the truth怀疑真实性
    • question closely仔细地审问
    • question curiously好奇地问
    • question exhaustively追根究底地问
    • question improperly不符合事实地问
    • question innocently天真地问
    • question minutely仔细地问
    • question openly公开怀疑
    • question sternly严厉地询问
    • question sb about his activities询问某人的活动
    • question sb on his views询问某人的看法
    • question sb on〔upon〕 the point就这点质问某人


    in question讨论中的;成问题的;考虑中的

    to the question adv. 针对论题;切题

    answer the question回答这个问题;(马在赛马前测试时)跑得很好

    out of the question不可能;不知底细;根本谈不上

    no question毫无疑问

    without question毫无疑问

    open question待决的问题;容易讨论的问题

    ask a question问一个问题

    out of question毫无疑问

    question mark问号

    good question好问题;不易回答的问题

    beyond question adv. 毫无疑问;无可争辩

    an open question n. 未解决的问题

    personal question个人问题

    raise a question提出问题

    the last question最后的问题

    technical question技术问题

    security question安全问题;找回密码问题;安全提问

    rhetorical question反问;设问;修辞性疑问句

    put the question要求投票决定;提付表决



    1. He gave me no chance to reply to his question.
    2. That is a great international question of the day.
    3. Make a mark where you have a question.
    4. There was some question as to his honesty.
    1. The teacher will question us on verbs.
    2. We shall have to detain him and question him.
    3. I would never question her honesty.
    4. We must question your judgment in this matter.


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