- Now your seed has sprung up and the fruit has ripened.
现在你的种子迅速成长,水果已成熟了。 - When father-child relations are strained or chaotic, the insecurity can translate biologically as a message to grow up fast, Geary said.
赫尔迪说,当父子关系紧张或者混乱时,不安全感就可能从生物角度上转化为迅速成长的信息。 - Prices for consumer goods are going up.
消费品价格在上涨。 - Higher living costs have swallowed up our pay rise.
Tsunami run-up and draw-down on a plane beachSurf and run-up on a beach: a uniform boreThe Run-Up of N-Waves on Sloping BeachesNumerical Model of Wave Run-Up, Overtopping, and RegenerationExtreme value statistics for wave run-up on a natural beachGeomorphological effects of tsunami run-up and backwashSurf and run-upSurf and run-upInternal solitary wave breaking and run-up on a uniform slopeA Numerical Study of Submarine-Landslide-Generated Waves and Run-Up