- He chopped in with a sarcastic remark.
他突然插进一句讽刺的话。 - I felt completely squashed by her sarcastic comment.
她冷嘲热讽把我噎得一句话都说不出来。 - I could see from her expression that his sarcastic comments had hit home.
On the uses of sarcastic irony ☆The functions of sarcastic irony in speech ☆How to be sarcastic: The echoic reminder theory of verbal irony.Semi-supervised recognition of sarcastic sentences in Twitter and AmazonSemi-supervised recognition of sarcastic sentences in twitter and amazonWho cares about sarcastic tweets? Investigating the impact of sarcasm on sentiment analysisSaying what you don't mean: Social influences on sarcastic language processing.ICWSM - A Great Catchy Name: Semi-Supervised Recognition of Sarcastic Sentences in Online Product ReviewsComprehension and memory for nonliteral utterances: The problem of sarcastic indirect requests ☆Contextual Integration and Utterance Interpretation: The Ability of Children and Adults to Interpret Sarcastic Utterances