- The books you ask for are all sold out.
你要的书都卖完了。 - Sorry, we've sold out of shirts in your size.
对不起,你这样尺寸的衬衣都卖完了。 - He sold out to ambition and the desire for wealth.
他为财富而背叛了自己的抱负和志愿。 - He was sold out by a traitor and arrested.
他被叛徒出卖,被捕了。 - We would rather die than sell out our comrades.
Society-Sponsored Pain-Management Workshops Routinely Sell Out at Annual Meetings: Attendees Attracted to Balanced, Objective Instru...
Do Target CEO's Sell Out Their Shareholders to Keep Their Job in a Merger?
Privatisation: Sell Off or Sell Out? The Australian Experience
Social Partnership or a ‘Complete Sellout’? Russian Trade Unions’ Responses to Conflict
Sellout: The Politics of Racial Betrayal
Sell-out or challenge? The contradiction of a masters in women's studies
Balancing the interests of minority and majority shareholders: A comparative analysis of squeeze-out and sell-out rights
Profits from pregnancy: how trusted organisations sell out women to commercial interests
Community festivals: Celebration or sellout
New agribusiness investments mean wholesale sell-out for women farmers.