- Disbelieving his unlikely story, she looked askance at Jack.
她用怀疑的目光看着杰克,不相信他那靠不住的叙述。 - Asked if he will be in awe of anyone in Germany, he gives a disbelieving stare.'No.
被问及在德国他会害怕谁的时候他怀疑的盯着记者。 - Ambreene favored him with a disbelieving sneer.
Saying and Disbelieving
On Disbelieving the Commissioners' Free-Trade Case
Bonney on Saying and Disbelieving
A Note on Saying and Disbelieving
Prognosis in cirrhosis: disbelieving Cassandra
Believing versus Disbelieving in Free Will: Correlates and Consequences
Disbelieving Nonbelievers: Atheism, Competence, and Credibility in the Turn of the Century American Courtroom
Disbelieving Suspense: Suspended Sentences of Imprisonment and Public Confidence in the Criminal Justice System
From Intentions to Neurons: Social and Neural Consequences of Disbelieving in Free Will
Exploring the perceptual biases associated with believing and disbelieving in paranormal phenomena.