- He was apt to blurt out the whole truth, in cases where other people would have kept silence.
Foldable sheet member including a graphic image and being apt to be arranged in a self-supporting erect position process for its man...
Children of homosexuals more apt to be homosexuals? A reply to Morrison and to Cameron based on an examination of multiple sources o...
Are Soda-Swilling Teens More Apt to Be Violent?
Ewing Not Apt to Be a Wizard
Plan to Bolster XO Is Apt to Be Costly to Shareholders
Legal Provisions that allow Women to give Birth anonymously : apt to be exported from France to Germany?
Children of homosexuals and transsexuals more apt to be homosexual
Apparatus for obtaining in a zig-zag sewing machine an automatic displacement of thefabric apt to be amplitude adjusted
Children of homosexuals and transsexuals more apt to be homosexual.[Erratum appears in J Biosoc Sci. 2007 Mar;39(2):317]
Modular units, apt to be stacked with units of same type , but with different volume, to form a palletizable batch