substantive law实体法
substantive characteristics本质特征
substantive right实体权利;基本人权
- The airwaves are noisy with nonsense at a time when we need serious, substantive information.
当我们需要严肃而真实的信息的时候,电视广播却是充斥着废话的噪声。 - The paper uses substantive cases to make it demotic and pellucid.
本文通过运用大量的案例分析,希望能使行文表达通俗易懂。 - Its importance was evident from the large number of substantive proposals tabled during the ongoing discussion.
目前正进行的讨论中出现了大量的实质性提案体现了其重要意义。 - It was a lengthy speech but he made few substantive points.
那是一个冗长的演说但是他整理很少实质的要点。 - Dominique Moisi, senior advisor to the French Institute for International Relations in Paris, tells VOA that key substantive issues are defense and security.
From substantive to procedural rationality
Friendship as a Social Process: A Substantive and Methodological Analysis
Method and Appraisal in Economics: From substantive to procedural rationality
MFN Clauses and Substantive Treatment: A Law of Treaties Perspective of the “Conventional Wisdom”
The continuing effects of substantively complex work on the intellectual functioning of older workers
Positive and negative global self-esteem: a substantively meaningful distinction or artifactors?
An Anti-Enforcement Bias? The Application of the Substantive Public Policy Exception in Polish Annulment Proceedings
Focusing and bounding the collection of data: The substantive start. An expanded sourcebook qualitative data analysis, 2, 16-39
Is there a general factor in ratings of job performance? A meta-analytic framework for disentangling substantive and error influences
Predicting the performance of measures in a confirmatory factor analysis with a pretest assessment of their substantive validities