TolcaponeTolcaponeTolcapone and fulminant hepatitis : The LancetTolcapone improves cognition and cortical information processing in normal human subjects.Cognitive improvement during Tolcapone treatment in Parkinson's diseaseTolcapone in stable Parkinson's disease: efficacy and safety of long-term treatment. Tolcapone Stable Study GroupTolcapone improves motor function in parkinsonian patients with the "wearing-off"phenomenon: a double-blind, placebo-controlled, mu...Open study of the catechol-O-methyltransferase inhibitor tolcapone in major depressive disorderTolcapone improves motor function and reduces levodopa requirement in patients with Parkinson's disease experiencing motor fluctuati...Catechol-O-methyltransferase inhibition with tolcapone reduces the “wearing off” phenomenon and levodopa requirements in fluctuati...