TransductantTransductantPolytransductant formation in Escherichia coli lysogens.Selection of fimbriate transductants of Salmonella typhimurium dependent on motilityCARIOUS TOOTH-PREVENTING SUBSTANCE-PRODUCING TRANSFORMANT OR TRANSDUCTANT AND CARIOUS TOOTH-PREVENTING AGENTIn vitroホスホマイシン耐性菌より耐性に関する:Isogenic transductantの作製とその性質C-17 Property of drug resistance acquired Escherichia coli transductant with the aid of broad host-range vector particle(GENE TRANSF...[EPISOMIC RESISTANCE FACTORS IN ENTEROBACTERIACEAE. 29. RECOMBINATION WITH F OF A TRANSDUCTANT R FACTOR OBTAINED IN SALMONELLA TYPHI...C-29 Search for a broad-host-range gene transfer particle (VP) production responsible gene of VP-transductant : Escherichia coli DH-...Purification and properties of 3-deoxy-d-arabinoheptulosonic acid-7-phosphate synthetase (phe) from a lambda aroG+ transductant of E...