- Some people only live on veg and fruit.
有些人仅靠吃些蔬菜和水果生活. - He likes the traditional meat and two veg for his main meal.
- All she does is veg out in front of the telly.
她成天清闲地泡在电视前。 - I want to veg out by travelling to other places for some days.
我想出去旅游一阵子,放松一下。 - After a long day at work, I usually just veg out in front of the TV.
Generalized additive models in plant ecology. J Veg Sci 2:587-602
Why do we need permanent plots in the study of long-term vegetation dynamics? J Veg Sci 7:147-156
Tóthmérész B.. Comparison of different methods for diversity ordering. J Veg Sci 6: 283-290
Does the seed bank contribute to the restoration of species-rich vegetation in wet dune slacks? Appl Veg Sci
Predicting the potential distribution of plant species in an alpine environment. J Veg Sci 9:65-74
The clinical toxicity profile of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and vascular endothelial growth factor receptor (VEGFR) t...
Oocyst shedding by cats fed isolated bradyzoites and comparison of infectivity of bradyzoites of the VEG strain Toxoplasma gondii to...
Analysis of biological effects andsignaling properties of Flt-1 and KDR: A reassessment using novel highlyreceptor-specific VEGF mut...
Relationship between gross primary production and chlorophyll content in crops: Implications for the synoptic monitoring of vegetati...
Tumor-Infiltrating Dendritic Cell Precursors Recruited by a β-Defensin Contribute to Vasculogenesis under the Influence of VEGF-A i...