Inflammatory Linear Verrucose Nevus[Inflammatory linear verrucose epidermal nevus (author's transl)]Verrucose squamous carcinoma of bladder.Histopathogenesis of inflammatory linear verrucose epidermal naevus: histochemistry, immunohistochemistry and ultrastructureInflammatory Linear Verrucose Epidermal NevusAnorectal verrucose squamous carcinoma: report of two cases.Verrucose sarcoidosis.Clinical analysis of 1 897 cases of verrucose gastritisVERRUCOSE "SNUFF DIPPER'S"CARCINOMA OF THE ORAL CAVITY. A CASE OF SELF-INDUCED CARCINOGENESIS.The natural history of squamous verrucose carcinoma of the esophagus