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ThenMr.Owensvolunteered totestpotentialmethodsthatloweredhis spermcountsomuchthat“Iwasnotviablyable to produce a child, ” he said.
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Can Britain viably opt‐out of EMU?Viably Traversing the Dynamic Disequilibrium Trajectory?The use of viably preserved tissue for homologous arterial grafts.A system for viably maintaining a stirred suspension of multicellular spheroids during NMR spectroscopyLong chain polyenoic acid levels in viably sorted, highly enriched mouse testis cellsPreliminary observations on drug responses in viably frozen mammalian hearts * †A simple tube adapter to expedite and automate thawing of viably frozen cellsA Study to Determine if the Critical Success Factor Concept is Viably Applicable for Use in Developing a Management Information Syst...Nature powers mobile in rural Namibia: the solar and wind model shows that cell sites can run viably on off-grid power sources.(CASE...An optimized multi-parameter flow cytometry protocol for human T regulatory cell analysis on fresh and viably frozen cells, correlat...