Chain Reactions Linking Acorns to Gypsy Moth Outbreaks and Lyme Disease RiskDispersal of Quercus mongolica acorns in a broadleaved deciduous forestClimate, deer, rodents, and acorns as determinants of variation in Lyme-disease riskInteractions Among Gypsy Moths, White-footed Mice, and AcornsTrue Metabolizable Energy for Wood Ducks from Acorns Compared to Other Waterfowl FoodsADAPTATION OF GRAY SQUIRREL BEHAVIOR TO AUTUMN GERMINATION BY WHITE OAK ACORNSVertebrate predation on Holm Oak, Quercus ilex , acorns in a fragmented habitat: effects on seedling recruitmentSpatial Patterns in Long-Distance Dispersal of Quercus ilex Acorns by Jays in a Heterogeneous LandscapeCaching and Feeding Decisions by Sciurus carolinensis: Responses to Weevil-Infested AcornsExamination of Seed Dispersal and Survival in Red Oak, Quercus Rubra (Fagaceae), Using Metal-Tagged Acorns