- But when children are at stake we have to rise above that acquiescent mood.
可是当孩子的安全受到威胁时,我们便不应抱着迁就的态度。 - Kennedy was helped by an acquiescent press.
报界的默言救了肯尼迪。 - She’d been of the reluctantly acquiescent school.
她已经成了不情愿默认派。 - She is too acquiescent.
Acquiescent Response Bias as an Aspect of Cultural Communication Style.
Reviving the Problem of Acquiescent Response Bias
Acquiescent responding in self-reports: Cognitive style or social concern?
Effects of acquiescent response set on patient satisfaction ratings.
Are acquiescent and extreme response styles related to low intelligence and education?
Recruiting the acquiescent workforce: A comparative analysis of McDonald’s in Germany and the UK
The Acquiescent Gatekeeper: Reputational Intermediaries, Auditor Independence and the Governance of Accounting
Correcting for Acquiescent Response Bias in the Absence of a Balanced Scale An Application to Class Consciousness
Resistant versus Acquiescent Responses to Ingroup Inferiority as a Function of Social Dominance Orientation in the USA and Italy