- The car's engine began to act up.
汽车的发动机开始出毛病了。 - My cell phone's playing up again.
我的手机又出毛病了。 - Little children always act up with their parents at home.
小孩子们总在家里和父母耍脾气。 - The boy is fond of acting up with him.
这男孩喜欢和他一同捣蛋。 - The little fellow was cheeking up his mother again.
Act Up
Act Up
Act up
Moving politics : emotion and ACT UP's fight against AIDS
Response to Rafael de la Dehesa's review of "Moving Politics: Emotion and ACT UP's Fight Against AIDS"
ACT UP and HIV--more than one group, more than one view
act up controls actin polymerization to alter cell shape and restrict Hedgehog signaling in the Drosophila eye disc.
Moving Politics: Emotion and ACT UP's Fight against AIDS. by Deborah B. Gould.
Addressing mRNAs to the ER: cis sequences act up!
From adversary to target market: the ACT-UP boycott of Philip Morris
From ACT UP to the WTO: Urban protest and community building in the era of globalization
Unruly Arguments: The Body Rhetoric of Earth First!, Act Up, and Queer Nation
Book Review: From ACT UP to the WTO: Urban Protest and Community Building in the Era of Globalization