ad hoc adj. 特别的;临时;专设 , adv. 特别地
ad in(局末平分后)发球占先(先得一分)
ad valorem(拉)从价;(拉)按价
print ad印刷广告,平面广告
ad litem专为某一诉讼指定
ad hoc committee特别委员会;专门委员会
ad converter数位输出,模数转换器;模拟数字转换器
want ad征聘广告,征求广告
agent ad litem诉讼代理人
ad infinitum无限地;永久地;无止境地
job ad招工广告;招聘广告
classified ad分类广告
ad hoc basis专责性质
ad valorem tax[法]从价税
ad lib adv. [口]没有限制地;即席地
ad valorem tariff从价税
ad rem adj. [拉丁语]中肯的;得要领的;贴切的;率直的 , adv. 中肯地;得要领地;贴切地;率直地
ad libitum(拉)随意;任意
- That's an interesting ad.
那是有趣的广告。 - I got four replies to my ad about the bicycle for sale.
已经收到了四份对我出售自行车广告的回信。 - The ad was run in the paper for a week.
- This tradition has been traced back to the sixth century AD.
这一传统已被追溯到公元16世纪。 - It was first built in 326 AD and restored several times through the centuries.
Ad-hoc on-demand distance vector routing
Ad hoc positioning system (APS) using AOA
Ad hoc positioning system (APS)
Grundy SM, Cleeman JI, Merz CN, et al. Implications of recent clinical trials for the National Cholesterol Education Program Adult T...
Ad hoc positioning system (APS)
TAG: a Tiny AGgregation service for Ad-Hoc sensor networks
TAG:a Tiny AGgregation service for ad-hoc sensor networks
Dynamic fine-grained localization in Ad-Hoc ...
Dynamic fine-grained localization in Ad-Hoc networks of sensors
Clinical effects of Abeta immunization (AN1792) in patients with AD in an interrupted trial.