用作名词 (n.)
动词+~- eat breakfast吃早饭
- finish breakfast吃完早饭
- have breakfast吃早点
- make breakfast做早饭
- miss one's breakfast没赶上吃早饭
- prepare breakfast准备早饭
- serve breakfast供应早饭
- take breakfast吃早饭
形容词+~- big breakfast丰盛的早餐
- full breakfast丰盛的早餐
- good breakfast丰盛的早餐
- wholesome breakfast有益于健康的早餐
介词+~- at breakfast用早点(时)
- for breakfast当作早点
- eat eggs for breakfast吃蛋作早点
用作动词 (v.)
~+名词- breakfast many people供应许多人早餐
~+副词- breakfast early早餐吃得早
- breakfast late早餐吃得很晚
~+介词- breakfast on eggs早餐吃鸡蛋
- breakfast with sb和某人一起吃早餐
for breakfast当作早餐;对于早餐来说
have breakfast吃早餐,吃早饭
eat breakfast吃早饭
at breakfast早餐时,正在吃早饭
continental breakfast欧式早餐(仅有咖啡和果酱面包)
bed and breakfast欧洲的一种简易旅馆;住宿加早餐
english breakfast n. 英式早餐(熏肉、蛋、烤面包和果酱)
big breakfast丰盛的早餐;精选早餐套餐
breakfast room早餐室
make breakfast做早餐
breakfast buffet自助早餐;自助早餐吧
- We were having breakfast.
我们正在吃早餐。 - He seldom eats breakfast.
他很少吃早餐。 - She juiced an orange for her breakfast.
她用一只橙子榨汁作早餐饮料。 - Mr. Smith left for London after breakfast.
- We breakfasted early.
我们很早吃早餐。 - We will breakfast on cereal and toast.
我们早餐吃谷物和吐司面包。 - I am going to breakfast with them tomorrow.
Breakfast skipping and health-compromising behaviors in adolescents and adults.
Entry Deterrence in the Ready-to-Eat Breakfast Cereal Industry
Breakfast habits, nutritional status, body weight, and academic performance in children and adolescents
Longitudinal study of skipping breakfast and weight change in adolescents.
Antioxidant content of whole grain breakfast cereals, fruits and vegetables.
Breakfast eating and weight change in a 5-year prospective analysis of adolescents: Project EAT (Eating Among Teens)
Fast food consumption and breakfast skipping: predictors of weight gain from adolescence to adulthood in a nationally representative...
The relationship of breakfast skipping and type of breakfast consumption with nutrient intake and weight status in children and adol...
Effect of whey on blood glucose and insulin responses to composite breakfast and lunch meals in type 2 diabetic subjects
Second-meal effect: low-glycemic-index foods eaten at dinner improve subsequent breakfast glycemic response.