- The tale was long, but brimful of interest.
他的故事很长,可是极有趣味。 - Young people are always brimful of new ideas and hope.
年轻人总是充满新思想和希望。 - He was so brimful of exultation that he could hardly hold himself.
他真是高兴到了极点,几乎按捺不住了。 - The basin was brim-full (of water).
"Brimful of STARLITE": toward standards for reporting literature searches.
Brimful of agitation, authenticity and appropriation: Madonna's 'Asian Kool'
Surface-wave damping in a brimful circular cylinder
Inviscid Faraday waves in a brimful circular cylinder
Brimful of Asia: Negotiating Ethnicity on the UK Music Scene (Paperback) - Routledge
Damping of surface waves in a brimful circular cylinder with a contaminated free surface
Brimful of Courage: How the Life and Death of Redditch Changed Jumps Racing in Australia (And What More Needs to be Done)
The viscous damping of capillary-gravity waves in a brimful circular cylinder
Corrigendum: "Surface wave damping in a brimful circular cylinder'' [J. Fluid Mech. 360 (1998), 213–228; MR1621539 (99a:76044)].
Meniscus effects on the frequency and damping of capillary-gravity waves in a brimful circular cylinder