- We had a hell of a trip on that bumpy road.
在那条崎岖不平的路上我们吃足了苦头。 - After driving on the bumpy surface, it was nice to get back onto even ground.
Bumpy torus transport in the low collision frequency limit
Bumpy Spin-Down of Anomalous X-Ray Pulsars: The Link with Magnetars
Model for dense granular flows down bumpy inclines.
Observable Properties of Orbits in Exact Bumpy Spacetimes
Polymer nano- and microspheres with bumpy and chain-segregated surfaces.
Finite Larmor radius stability theory of ELMO Bumpy Torus plasmas
"Lumpy-bumpy"elastic fibers in the skin and lungs of a patient with a penicillamine-induced elastosis perforans serpiginosa.
Simulations and physical measurements of glass spheres flowing down a bumpy incline
Destabilization of the hot‐electron precessional mode in tandem mirrors and bumpy tori
Towards a formalism for mapping the spacetimes of massive compact objects: Bumpy black holes and their orbits