The tattooed treatise: Breaking down mind/body binaries in "Moby-Dick", and, Poetic minds in cloddish soil: Hawthorne's bodies in co...EVALUATION OF ELISA METHOD TO DETECTION OF COW β-LACTOGLOBULIN IN SHEEP MILK AND SHEEP MILK PRODUCTSAnd then there were nine!A Failure to “Do No Harm” -- India’s Aadhaar biometric ID program and its inability to protect privacy in relation to measures in...Alexander III[Lower dyspeptic syndrome. Recommended diagnostic and therapeutic procedures for general practitioners 2006].Reading, Sex, and the Unbearable: A Response to Tim DeanCaughtAdventures in SpaceArts Etc: Visual Art - There's Armour Plate and Bravura Brushwork Behind the Silk ; Berthe Morisot Palais Des Beaux-Arts LILLE