- She was afflicted with conscience.
她受良心责备。 - Violent crime is only one of the maladies afflicting modern society.
Stressors afflicting families during military deployment
Plagiarism: a scourge afflicting the Indian science
The nexus & the ills afflicting the vaccination practices
Review of Paradoxes Afflicting Procedures for Electing a Single Candidate
Epidemiological description of a new viral disease afflicting cultured Cyprinus carpio in Israel.
Learning syndromes afflicting beginning medical students: identification and treatment--reflections after forty years of teaching.
A form of acute hemorrhagic enterocolitis afflicting chronically ill individuals; a description of twenty cases.
Unit dosage system for tree trunk implantation to control insect pests afflicting trees
STAT6 deletion converts the Th2 inflammatory pathology afflicting Lat(Y136F) mice into a lymphoproliferative disorder involving Th1 ...
Saving the Patent Law from Itself: Informal Remarks Concerning the Systemic Problems Afflicting Developed Intellectual Property Regi...