- The death toll has risen to 200.
Death toll exceeded 70,000 in Europe during the summer of 2003.
Afghan Civilian Death Toll Undermines U.S. Support
The Death Toll of the Rwandan Genocide: A Detailed Analysis for Gikongoro Province
The Death Toll from Natural Disasters: The Role of Income, Geography, and Institutions
Distributions of observed death tolls govern sensitivity to human fatalities
Taking the death toll after cardiomyocyte grafting: a reminder of the importance of quantitative biology.
Road traffic casualties: understanding the night-time death toll
Mangroves protected villages and reduced death toll during Indian super cyclone.
Racial disparity in hypertension control: tallying the death toll.
The Demography of Genocide in Southeast Asia: The Death Tolls in Cambodia, 1975-79, and East Timor, 1975-80