make a dent产生印象;引起注意
dent resistance耐冲击性
make a dent in v. 削弱;[口]取得有效进展
- The front of the car has a dent in it.
小汽车的前面有一个凹痕。 - I'd like an estimate for repairing this dent.
Can one dent a dyon?
Feilzer, A.J. & De Gee, A.J. Setting stress in composite resin in relation to configuration of the restoration, J. Dent. Res. 66, 16...
Can one dent a dyon. [Energy minima]
Adv Dent & Oral Health Management of Odontoma like Malformation Associated with Unerupted Permanent Maxillary Central Incisor-a Repo...
Analysis on surface dent at porthole corner of engine cover
An epidemiological study of child health and nutrition in a northern Swedish county. 7. A comparative study of general and dental he...
Le reseau souterrain de la Dent de Crolles (Isere); resultats des expeditions du Speleo-Club Alpin de Lyon de 1942 a 1945
Integrated pest management. By David Dent (London, Chapman & Hall, 1995). xii + 365 pp. Hard cover ...
STRUCTURE HARVESTER: a website and program for visualizing STRUCTURE output and implementing the Evanno method
Triple-Negative Breast Cancer: Clinical Features