dental caries龋齿,蛀牙
dental pulp牙髓
dental implant牙移植
dental clinic牙科诊所,牙科诊室;牙科门诊部
dental plaque牙菌斑;菌斑;牙垢
dental hygiene牙齿卫生;口腔卫生学
dental floss n. 牙线
dental chair牙科手术椅
dental surgery牙科;口腔外科
dental assistant牙科助理;牙医助理
dental drill[医]牙钻
dental amalgam银汞合金
dental lamina牙板,齿板;齿叶
- All these rise to protect action to dental enamel.
所有这些都对牙齿的珐琅质起到保护作用。 - Dental care can prevent early tooth loss and bladder or kidney infections.
牙齿的护理可以防止过早掉牙和膀光或肾感染。 - Further evidence-based investigation with regards to neonatal and dental fields is needed.
舌系带黏连的诊断与治疗须要更多新生儿科与小儿牙科的调查研究,期盼能给父母亲们客观的建议。 - Generally, traditional behavior management skill will be effective and efficient used for dental care in pediatric dentistry.
Restorative Dental Materials
Stem cell properties of human dental pulp stem cells
Postnatal human dental pulp stem cells (DPSCs) in vitro and in vivo
Role of Streptococcus mutans in human dental decay.
Physical signs for the general dental practitioner. Case 90. Purpuric rash.
Physical signs for the general dental practitioner. Case 82. Congestive (cardiac) heart failure
The long-term efficacy of currently used dental implants: a review and proposed criteria of success
Physicians' roles in preventing dental caries in preschool children: a summary of the evidence for the U.S. Preventive Services Task...
Perivascular Niche of Postnatal Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Human Bone Marrow and Dental Pulp
Perivascular Niche of Postnatal Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Human Bone Marrow and Dental Pulp †