- Such dialectal distribution contributed to form the characteristic of the plur-contact and then evoloved into so abundant and complex phenomena of dialectal contact.
Dialectal variation in the rising accents of American EnglishConventional Orthography for Dialectal ArabicCross-dialectal variation in formant dynamics of American English vowelsDialectal forms during discourse of poor, urban, African American preschoolersSetting parametric limits on dialectal variation in Spanish ☆A bi-dialectal task for determininlanguage proficiency in economically disadvantaged Negro childrenMorphological analysis and disambiguation for dialectal arabicSocioeconomic status and gender influences on children's dialectal variationsThe Arabic Online Commentary Dataset: an Annotated Dataset of Informal Arabic with High Dialectal Content.Elderly persons' experiences of living with venous leg ulcer: living in a dialectal relationship between freedom and imprisonment