The demand for alcoholic drink in the United Kingdom, 1963–78The Demand for Alcoholic Drink in the United Kingdom, 1963–1978Acute effects of an alcoholic drink on food intake: Aperitif versus co-ingestionType of alcoholic drink and risk of major coronary heart disease events and all-cause mortality.Advertising and Alcoholic Drink Demand in the UK: Some Further Rotterdam Model EstimatesMETHOD OF PRODUCING AN AGAVE-BASED BEER-TYPE ALCOHOLIC DRINKMechanism and application of various clarifiers in alcoholic drinkADVERTISING AND THE CONSUMPTION OF TOBACCO AND ALCOHOLIC DRINK: A SYSTEM‐WIDEANALYSISThe Prevail Attitude Towards Alcoholic Drink Among Buddhist Monks and Nuns of Dunhuang During The Later-Tang Period to The Northern ...Family history of alcoholism mediates the frontal response to alcoholic drink odors and alcohol in at-risk drinkers