- The reporter distorted the facts.
记者们歪曲了事实。 - How dare he distort the facts so brazenly!
他怎么敢如此肆无忌惮地歪曲事实! - The government was accused of having systematically distorted the protester's case.
政府因为有计划地歪曲抗议者的观点而受到责难。 - This journalist distorted the spokesman's remarks.
这名记者曲解了该发言人的话。 - Arthritis had distorted her fingers.
关节炎使她手指变形了。 - The loudspeaker seemed to distort his voice.
- The bias of a reporter can easily distort the news.
记者的偏见很容易歪曲新闻的报导。 - Some newspapers distort news to make it seem more exciting.
Nondistorting flattening maps and the 3-D visualization of colon CT images.
Sex-Ratio-Distorting Wolbachia Causes Sex-Role Reversal in Its Butterfly Host
The distorting effect of the prudent-man laws on institutional equity investments ☆
Incidence of a new sex–ratio–distorting endosymbiotic bacterium among arthropods
The challenge of subgroup analyses--reporting without distorting.
Computer simulation of ionic systems: The distorting effects of the boundary conditions
Multipoint mapping of viability and segregation distorting loci using molecular markers.
Review of “Chinese Indonesians: Remembering, Distorting, Forgetting” edited by Tim Lindsey & Helen Pausacker
Statistics and Medicine: The Challenge of Subgroup Analyses Reporting without Distorting
On the importance of adjusting for distorting factors in benchmarking analysis, as illustrated by a cost comparison of the different...