Introduction: The Arc of Violence: Riots, Disturbances of the Peace, Public Protests and Crowd Actions in History
1964 Senate Bill 0190. An Act Imposing A Penalty For Aiding And Abetting A Disturbance Of The Peace.
Building robustness to disturbance: Governance in southern African peace parks
Peace as a surprise, peace as a disturbance: the Israeli–Arab conflict in official documents
Disturbance, Peace and Development in Kashmir
Impact of Peace and Disturbances on Tourism and Horticulture in Jammu and Kashmir
Natural revegetation of disturbances in the Peace River Coalfield
The Battle of Ogdensburg A Disturbance of Peace, Febrarury 22, 1813
Gukurahundi in Zimbabwe: A report on the disturbances in the Matabeleland and the Midlands, by the Catholic Commission for Justice a...