Doline Morphology and Development in Barbados
Doline Morphometry as a Morphogenetic Tool: New Zealand Examples
Submerged notches and doline sediments as evidence for Holocene subsidence
Doline probability map using logistic regression and GIS technology in the central Ebro Basin (Spain)
Slaking durability and its effect on the doline formation in the gypsum
Subcutaneous Hydrology and the Development of Doline and Cockpit Karst
Doline morphometric analysis and karst morphology of Biokovo Mt (Croatia) based on field observations and digital terrain analysis.
A geophysical survey routine for the detection of doline areas in the surroundings of Zaragoza (NE Spain)
Ecological conditions, flora and vegetation of a large doline in the Mecsek Mountains (South Hungary)
Characterization of karst hazards from the perspective of the doline triangle using GPR — Examples from Central Ebro Basin (Spain)