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- The duke did well by people in humble stations.
那位公爵善待地位低下的人。 - The duke matched his daughter with the king's son.
杜柯杜轲杜珂杜克杜柯杜珂 New criteria for diagnosis of infective endocarditis: utilization of specific echocardiographic findings. Duke Endocarditis Service.
Proposed modifications to the Duke criteria for the diagnosis of infective endocarditis.
Red Cell Distribution Width as a Novel Prognostic Marker in Heart Failure. Data From the CHARM Program and the Duke Databank
A brief self-administered questionnaire to determine functional capacity (the Duke Activity Status Index).
The Grand Duke from Boys Ranch
Sustainable Duke: Procurement & Waste
T. Ballanyne et A. Burton (dir.), Bodies in Contact : Rethinking Colonial Encounters in World History. Durham & Londres, Duke Univer...
Reviews : William S. Maltby, Alba. A Biography of Fernando Alvarez de Toledo, Third Duke of Alba, 1507-1582, Berkeley & Los Angeles
Ludwig X, 1495-1545, Duke of Bavaria 1514 [obverse]