A Fossilized Microcenosis In Triassic Amber
The Middle Eocene plant taphocoenosis from Eckfeld (Eifel, Germany)
Characterisation of microbial biocoenosis in vertical subsurface flow constructed wetlands.
Changes in the lumbricid coenosis during secondary succession from a wheat field to a beechwood on limestone.
Comparison of two dosages of ragweed extract in the treatment of pollenosis.
Study of the role of antigen dosage in the treatment of pollenosis and pollen asthma.
Estructuras comunitarias de las fitocenosis planctonicas de los sistemas de desembocaduras de rios y esteros de la zona central de C...
The dynamics of the specific harmful entomofauna of the wheat agrobiocoenosis in the central Transylvania from 1981 to 1990.
Biogenic silica and diatom thanatocoenosis in surface sediments below the Peru–Chile Current: controlling mechanisms and relationsh...
Spatial patterns in fish distributions and structure of the ichthyocenosis in the Agua Nanci stream , upper Paran ´ a River basin ,...