- Because of animosity in wartime toward anything German, England renamed the breed Alsatian.
The genetics of epilepsy in the British AlsatianThe Alsatian Tick-Borne Encephalitis Focus: Presence of the Virus among Ticks and Small MammalsAntigenic/allergenic composition of Poodle/Alsatian dandruff extract.Arcus lipoides corneae secondary to hypothyroidism in the AlsatianA morphometric study on the skull of the German shepherd dog (Alsatian).Gerstmann-Sträussler-Scheinker disease in an Alsatian family: clinical and genetic studiesComputed tomography analysis of the cranial cavity and neurocranium in the German shepherd dog (Alsatian) puppiesPreservation value for groundwater quality in a large aquifer: a contingent-valuation study of the Alsatian aquiferVariations of aquatic bryophyte assemblages in the Rhine Rift related to water quality. 1. The Alsatian Rhine floodplainPredominance of Saccharomyces uvarum during spontaneous alcoholic fermentation, for three consecutive years, in an Alsatian winery.