- The game throws rugby with the mouse ambulation.
游戏用鼠标移动扔橄榄球。 - Nine patients achieved full weight-bearing ambulation without heel ulceration while one patient was able to ambulate with crutch assistance.
Survival and ambulation following hip fracture
Functional ambulation in patients with myelomeningocele.
Survival and ambulation following hip fracture. J Bone Joint Surg Am
Community ambulation after stroke: how important and obtainable is it and what measures appear predictive?
Religious belief, depression, and ambulation status in elderly women with broken hips.
VR-based training improves community ambulation in individuals with stroke: a randomized controlled trial
Modified emory functional ambulation profile: an outcome measure for the rehabilitation of poststroke gait dysfunction.
Virtual reality-based training improves community ambulation in individuals with stroke: a randomized controlled trial
Patients with respiratory failure increase ambulation after transfer to an intensive care unit where early activity is a priority
Test-retest reliability and minimal detectable change on balance and ambulation tests, the 36-item short-form health survey, and the...