- The patient was allowed to ambulate in the room.
允许病人在屋里走动。 - The bed needs to be put inside the room to ambulate least place, person ability obtains true rest.
[In well-tolerated myocardial infarct: the beginning of the rehabilitation process; the decision to ambulate the patient; duration o...
Hospitalization-associated disability: "She was probably able to ambulate, but I'm not sure".
The amputee mobility predictor: an instrument to assess determinants of the lower-limb amputee's ability to ambulate
The controversy surrounding sacral insufficiency fractures: to ambulate or not to ambulate?
Successful behavioral intervention to treat children who are reluctant to ambulate.
Psychosoziale Charakteristika, Methadondosierung und Heroinkonsum in ambulaten Methadonbehandlungen: ein Matched-pair -Design
Strategien in der ambulaten Behandlung des Tinnitus
Heart rate recovery after the 6 min walk test rather than distance ambulated is a powerful prognostic indicator in heart failure wit...
Comparison between Two Rainstorm Meso-scale Vortices Circumambulated Respectively from Two Sides of Mountain Dabieshan during Meiyu ...
Early activity is feasible and safe in respiratory failure patients.