- The biggest failures in ambulatory and home health care are those that lead to hospitalization.
在非卧床与居家健康照护中最大的失败是导致患者住院。 - Outpatient rehabilitation includes day hospital, outpatient ambulatory care and home-based rehabilitation.
Adverse Drug Events in Ambulatory Care
Adverse drug events in ambulatory care.
Adverse Drug Events in Ambulatory Care — NEJM
An ambulatory surgical procedure under local anesthesia for treatment of female urinary incontinence
Electronic health records in ambulatory care--a national survey of physicians.
Prognostic Value of Ambulatory Blood-Pressure Recordings in Patients with Treated Hypertension
Recent patterns of medication use in the ambulatory adult population of the United States: the Slone survey.
Warfarin use among ambulatory patients with nonvalvular atrial fibrillation: the anticoagulation and risk factors in atrial fibrilla...
European Society of Hypertension recommendations for conventional, ambulatory and home blood pressure measurement
Value of peak exercise oxygen consumption for optimal timing of cardiac transplantation in ambulatory patients with heart failure.