- The jumping and throwing contests comprise the field events.
田赛项目有跳跃和投掷。 - Liu said the bidding should be as fair as the track and field events themselves.
Field EventsFIELD EVENTSFIELD EVENTS.Survey of transient magnetic field events in the dayside magnetosphereComparison of 2D debris-flow simulation models with field eventsComparison of 2 D debris-flow simulation model with field eventsMemory for action events: A new field of researchCentral axial field direction in magnetic clouds and its relation to southward interplanetary magnetic field events and dependence o...A case and statistical study of transient magnetic field events at geosynchronous orbit and their solar wind originRate of occurrence of transient magnetic field events in U.S. residences.System and method for distinguishing electrical events originating in the atria from far-field electrical events originating in the ...Settling It on the Field: Battlefield Events and War TerminationLarge Field Events in the Distant Magnetotail During Magnetic Storms