Hydrodynamics of Fishlike Swimming
The Fishes of North and Middle America: a Descriptive Catalogue of the Species of Fish-like Vertebrates found in the Waters of North...
Review of Hydrodynamic Scaling Laws in Aquatic Locomotion and Fishlike Swimming
Studies on the phase behavior of the system APG/alcohol/alkane/H 2 O with fishlike diagrams
Studies on Phase Behavior of Alkyl Polyglucoside Based on Microemulsions with Modified Fishlike Phase Diagram
Robot Fish: Bio-inspired Fishlike Underwater Robots
Flow control by means of a traveling curvature wave in fishlike escape responses.
An Initial and Boundary Value Problem Modeling of Fish-like Swimming
Proportional heading control for planar navigation: The Chaplygin beanie and fishlike robotic swimming
Flow around fishlike shapes studied using multiparticle collision dynamics.