- A relativistic definition of the geoid is important and left to be discussed.
Geoid anomalies in a dynamic EarthGeoid height versus age for symmetric spreading ridgesOn postglacial geoid subsidence over the equatorial oceansDynamically supported geoid highs and hotspots: Observation and theorySubducted slabs and the geoid: Constraints on mantle rheology and flowHotspots, polar wander, Mesozoic convection and the geoidLong-Wavelength Variations in Earth's Geoid: Physical Models and Dynamical ImplicationsErratum: Lower mantle heterogeneity, dynamic topography and the geoidHager, B. H. Subducted slabs and the geoid: constraints on mantle rheology and flow. J. Geophys. Res. 89, 6003-6015A mean dynamic topography computed over the world ocean from altimetry, in situ measurements, and a geoid model