- The house burnt up before the firemen got there.
屋子在救火人员赶到前就烧光了。 - The woodshed burned down in half an hour.
那间柴屋只半个小时就给烧光了。 - My intellectual prestige has all gone up in smoke.
我知识分子的威望全部化为乌有。 - Peter's vacation plans went up in smoke when a crisis arose in the office.
Vertical externalities in cigarette taxation: Do tax revenues go up in smoke?
Does the effect go up in smoke? A randomized controlled trial of pictorial warnings on cigarette packaging.
Does It All Go up in Smoke? Cigarette Smoking and Tachyarrhythmias
When researchers accept funding from the tobacco industry, do ethics go up in smoke?
Does It All Go up in Smoke? Cigarette Smoking and Tachyarrhythmias - KATZ - 2006 - Journal of Cardiovascular Electrophysiology - Wil...
Tobacco genomes quickly go up in smoke
Watching your health go up in smoke.
Why systems go up in smoke
SO/sub 2//NO/sub x/: a natural resource should not go up in smoke
Blaze's dreams go up in smoke