- Her horse shied violently at a gorse bush.
金雀花丛把她的马惊得猛然后退。 - The bloom of the gorse is shut like a book.
荆豆花闭合起来像一本书。 - People say that when gorse is out of bloom, kissing is out of fashion.
Seasonal variations in VOC emission rates from gorse ( Ulex europaeus )
Hydrological response of Mediterranean gorse shrubland under extreme rainfall simulation event
Fuel characteristics and fire behaviour in mature Mediterranean gorse shrublands
Large-scale disturbances, biological control and the dynamics of gorse populations.
Effects of fire and torrential rainfall on erosion in a Mediterranean gorse community
Effect of High Temperatures and Ash on Germination of Ten Species from Gorse Shrubland
Secondary forest succession differs through naturalised gorse and native kānuka near Wellington and Nelson
Throughfall, runoff and soil erosion after prescribed burning in gorse shrubland in Galicia (NW Spain)
Validation of the alkane technique to estimate diet selection of goats grazing heather–gorse vegetation communities
The EVect of Release Size on the Probability of Establishment of Biological Control Agents: Gorse Thrips ( Sericothrips staphylinus ...