Grand Mal Seizure
Grand mal seizure
Grand Mal Seizure
Grand mal seizure induced by oral theophylline.
Fetal heart rate during a maternal grand mal epileptic seizure.
An isolated grand mal seizure 5 days after propofol anaesthesia.
Grand mal seizure in a child 30 minutes after Cyclogyl (cyclopentolate hydrochloride) and 10% Neo-Synephrine (phenylephrine hydrochl...
Bilateral femoral neck fractures following a grand mal seizure.
Elevated serum cardiac troponin I level in a patient after a grand mal seizure and with no evidence of cardiac disease.
Dose requirement of local anaesthetic to produce grand mal seizure during stellate ganglion block.
Generalized grand mal seizure after recovery from uncomplicated fentanyl-etomidate anesthesia
Another case of grand mal seizure after fentanyl administration.
Grand mal seizure after fentanyl administration.